(817) 498-3690 plans@abpoolsub.com

Gunite Limited Warranty

Gunite Limited Warranty

Gunite Limited Warranty

A&B Gunite’s (“A&B”) installation of gunite product carries a five (5) year warranty from the date of installation to be free from defect in workmanship, material, and provided according to generally accepted procedures as referenced by the American Concrete Institute ACI 506.2 standards except as modified by the requirements of the project manager specifications. This warranty is issued to the original property owner for private use for as long as they own the property. Defects in workmanship and material are defined as the following: failure to produce intended shape within limitations of project design, preparation of surfaces, steel placement and forming provided by others, and failure to achieve intended compressive strength.

Failure to produce intended shape will be determined by comparing written plan design to actual shape. In the event the actual shape differs from the written plan then the actual shape will be considered a defect and repaired to conform to written plan design. In the event it is determined that differences in actual shape from written plan design were a result of adjustments due to existing job site preparations then the actual shape will be considered conforming to written plan design and any repairs requested will be excluded from limited warranty.

Intended design strength is achieved through water-curing. Water sprayed on the gunite after installation provides continuous moisture in the product which is the critical catalyst required for adequate hydration and complete chemical reaction to take place. If product is allowed to dry, curing slows and strength diminishes. Failure to properly water-cure gunite voids design strength warranty.

Water-curing gunite is exclusively the responsibility of project manager and/or owner. Design strength will be compromised in the event the project manager and/or owner fails to water-cure gunite project for a minimum of seven days continuously from date of installation.

The intended 28-day average compressive strength of 3000 psi will be determined under ASTM C42 guidelines by three cores taken from the structure representing a shift of 50 cubic yards of gunite. Strength will equal or exceed 0.85% of the design strength with no individual core less than 0.75% of design strength. Strength testing, if required, will be supervised by an authorized Barclay Enterprise, Inc. representative and performed at the expense of the owner of the project.

In the unlikely event of a product failure due to insufficient compressive strength as outlined above, A&B will repair or replace, at its sole discretion, the failed material. Liability is restricted to repair or replacement of the failed material only and does not apply to any other phase or consequential damages.

Failure of the gunite due to external forces such as ground movement or ground water pressure, or due to failures in project design, preparation of surfaces, steel placement, forms, curing and protection of freshly placed gunite, are exclusively risks and liabilities of project manager and/or owner and excluded from our gunite limited warranty.

Project design, preparation of surfaces, steel placement, forms, availability of potable water and access, and curing and protection of freshly placed gunite are the responsibilities of the project manager and/or owner.

Revised February 14, 2024

Your First Choice Gunite Contractor and Shotcrete Contractor in the DFW Metroplex

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A & B Gunite - Gunite Contractor

A&B Gunite and Shotcrete is DFW's leading gunite / shotcrete contractor. We are an established family owned and operated company with an experienced staff and a relentless dedication to product and service quality.

Our passion for exceptional customer service and innovation has earned us the reputation as best and most successful company in the region.

Barclay Enterprises, Inc.

4316 Garland Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76117

PHONE: (817) 498-3690
FAX: (817) 281-3225

EMAIL: plans@abpoolsub.com

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